Friday, May 28, 2010

Making Putting on Sunscreen More Fun

Now that the weather has turned hot, be sure to remember to put sunscreen on your kids whenever they are outside.

If your children are not cooperative when you put sunscreen on them, try making up a silly name for it, such as Magic Fairy Lotion or Superman Juice. You can also have him decorate the sunscreen bottle with stickers. Some parents have found that the spray on screen is easier to apply to squirmy kids because you do not have to rub it in. Another way to make sunscreen application more fun is have them help put sunscreen on your back and arms after you apply it to them.

Be sure to apply waterproof sunscreen to both you and your children’s skin when you are outdoors this summer, even when it is cloudy outside. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that you apply sunscreen of at least SPF 15 thirty minutes before heading outside. You should reapply sunscreen every two hours. Protective clothing, such as hats, sunglasses and cotton clothing should be worn when you are not in the water to provide extra protection.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun idea! (pun intended) The more you can make it fun and light for your kids, the better. We're waiting for the sun to come out here in Oregon.
