Saturday, April 24, 2010

Book Review - Unplugged Play by Bobbi Conner

I realized last week that my kids are going to be out of school for the summer in only a matter of weeks. As I began coming up with a mental list of things to do over the break, I pulled out my dog-eared copy of Unplugged Play by Bobbi Conner.

The book is full of different types of activities, from crafts to indoor games to group games. It is divided into three age categories – Toddler, Preschool and Grade School. My only disappointment with the book is that the Grade School section is the shortest of the three. However, I found that many of the ideas in the Preschool section are also enjoyed by my early elementary kids (just don’t tell them my secret.)

One of the strengths of the book is the simplicity of many of the activities, such as Horseshoes Beanbag and Make-Your-Own Placemats. The Pretend Play section for Preschoolers contained many unique ideas to help your child pretend, such as a pretend cookout, pet store, and hardware store. I thought that the props suggested for each “scenario” were very creative and fun.

I liked how each section of the book included ideas for Solo Play, Play Ideas for Parent and Child, Playing with Others and Birthday Party Play. One of the strengths of the book is the suggestions ideas for entertaining children at birthday parties and play dates. I also found some great new books for my children from the recommended books list in each section. I found myself looking up rules to games that I played as a child, such as Kick the Can and Four Square, so that I can play with my kids. Most every game that I looked up was included in the book. This book was well worth the $16.95 that I spent on it and has provided many hours of fun for our family.

Are there any children’s activities books that you recommend?

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